ONTARIO-This day, January 13, signifies International AMBER Alert Day.
In 1996, nine-year-old Amber Hagerman was kidnapped from Arlington, Texas and brutally murdered. Her death had a profound impact on her community. In the wake of this tragedy, an emergency alert system was developed to facilitate the rapid distribution of information to the public in the event of a child abduction.
The Government of Ontario adopted the AMBER Alert system in 2003, in collaboration with Ontario law enforcement and radio/television stations. An AMBER Alert is an emergency broadcast that is issued in the event of a child abduction. It is only issued when the abducted child is believed to be at imminent risk of bodily harm or death. It is all too common that members within our communities complain when an alert is sent out but next time don’t be so quick to judge.
In these situations even the tiniest help can assist in locating the child, complaining does not.
For information regarding active AMBER Alerts in Ontario, visit amberalert.opp.ca.
Source OPP