ONTARIO-The OPP is raising awareness about off-road vehicle (OVR) safety after officers investigated 26 ORV fatalities in 2023, in which 13 occurred between September and December. Lack of helmet use, alcohol and/or drug consumption, and failure to maintain control of the vehicle remain the leading factors.
Here are some critical safety guidelines and best preparation for enjoyable riding offered by the OPP:
- Driving an ORV while impaired by alcohol or drugs is as unlawful as driving any other vehicle and carries the same impaired driving penalties that apply to driving a motor vehicle.
- Always wear a properly fitted helmet with a secure chin strap. ORV drivers and passengers who do not wear their helmets are at a much higher risk of serious injury or death if they crash, lose control, or their vehicle tips over.
- Always carry your registration and proof of insurance.
- Ensure proper display of licence plate according to the ORVA.
- Have a valid trail pass where applicable.
- Exercise caution when riding on permitted roadways, adjusting to the difference between dirt and pavement.
- Drive cautiously and familiarize yourself with the required speeds for ORVs.
The Ontario Federation of All Terrain Vehicles is a great resource. Please see the link for more information and safety tips: Tips for the Riders | OFATV – Ontario Federation of All Terrain Vehicle Clubs.