PETERBOROUGH-The Peterborough County OPP says it is getting an influx of calls related to dangerous road conditions due icy conditions.
Peterborough County officers are currently on scene of a tractor-trailer that jack-knifed as a result of the icy road conditions on Highway 28 north of Apsley. Highway 28 is currently blocked north of Mill Lake Road while emergency crews work on clearing the vehicle from the road. Officers have reported that Highway 28 anywhere north of Burleigh Falls is experiencing icy roads. Peterborough County Roads Department has been made aware of the situation.
Peterborough County OPP would like to advise the public to use caution when travelling today and drive according to conditions. With the current temperatures as well as precipitation icy conditions are expected. Be prepared to have your drive take longer and if you don’t need to be on the roads then please stay home.
Please slow down and drive safely!