KAWARTHA LAKES-There’s a whole lotto reasons to play the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society’s Draws for Paws 50/50 Lottery.
The Draws for Paws 50/50 Lottery has a guaranteed jackpot of $5,000, but the more tickets sold, the higher the jackpot will grow. The winner of the Ontario SPCA’s first ever lottery, which took place last fall, took home over $60,000.
Tickets are now on sale for the grand prize draw taking place on April 28, 2023. In addition to the grand prize jackpot, there are also extra op-purr-tunities to win!
The early bird draws taking place March 30, April 6 and April 20. You could be the lucky one to fetch $500 in winnings in the early bird draws!
The cost is 10 tickets for $10, 40 tickets for $20, or – to celebrate the Ontario SPCA’s 150th anniversary – when you purchase 200 tickets for $40, you’ll receive an additional 150 bonus tickets! Tickets can be purchased online at ontariospcalottery.ca
“The Ontario SPCA’s Draws for Paws 50/50 Lottery is an exciting way to potentially win big while also helping animals in need,” says Stephanie Miller, Vice President, Development, Ontario SPCA and Humane Society. “Think of what you could do with those winnings if you’re our lucky grand prize draw winner!”
The Ontario SPCA is a registered charity that does not receive annual government funding and depends on donations. Funds from the Draws for Paws 50/50 Lottery will provide urgently needed care and shelter for homeless animals according to officials.
To learn more, or to buy tickets, visit ontariospcalottery.ca
Lottery License No. RAF 1302173