KAWARTHA LAKES-If you are still waiting for your road to be plowed, you could be waiting a few more days.
“Due to the significant volumes of snow, drifting snow and the amount of cleanup needed, the City will need to extend the projected end date of the significant event from December 27 until December 30 at 5pm.” said a press release from the City.
Officials blame the volume of snow in some areas and say it is causing significant time impacts to achieving compliance with usual levels of service. In some areas, it is taking an hour to clear one kilometre of road. Some roads have not been plowed since Friday.
Local farmers took it upon themselves to clear the municipal roads they live on after waiting days for plows.

“All available resources, both internal and external, have been deployed since December 23 when the storm began and work continues with a focus on opening and widening access on affected remaining roads.”
Residents are being asked to stay off the roads whenever possible and drive with extra caution.
“Clearing local roads blocked with snow drifts can be resource and time-intensive, so response to some local roads may take longer than desired. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we work to clear the roads.”
To submit a winter maintenance or other municipal service request, visit http://www.kawarthalakes.ca/reportit