KAWARTHA LAKES-Three-time world figure skating champion Elvis Stojko has put his support behind Tracy Richardson in her bid for a second term as Ward 8 Councillor.

Stojko invited Richardson to a local arena to discuss the importance of having rinks in small towns.
“I invited Tracy out to this arena because in Manvers she has pushed to get some updates to this arena. As you know I have been a figure skater most of my life. If it wasn’t for the arena in my small community when I was a kid I probably wouldn’t be here today and that’s why I am excited that Tracy is supporting the arena.” Stojko explained.
Stojko was born in Newmarket and grew up in Richmond Hill. He is an Olympic silver medalist and three-time World Champion on the ice. He has a home in the Pontypool area and has come to know Richardson through her work in the community.
“I am pumped because kids are going to be able to get out and skate. Figure skating, hockey, recreational skating we all know we want to get them out of the house away from the computer, off the cell phone and doing something constructive and you never know you may be living right next to a future olympian, future NHL star and it starts right in those small communities.”
In 2018, after 30 years in the newspaper business, Richardson decided to enter municipal politics, winning a seat as Councillor in Ward 8.

Greg Ward is the only other candidate running in Ward 8 in this election.
“I decided to run for Ward 8 councillor because I was raised in this beautiful area and still call Ward 8 home. I believe it’s important to live in the area you wish to represent.” Ward explains.
The municipal election is on October 24th.