KAWARTHA LAKES-The Bobcaygeon Library could be on the move, although it sounds like the decision has already been made.
The Library Board is moving forward on a plan it says will enhance service for patrons at the Bobcaygeon Library Branch. The Library Board reviewed options to renovate the current space of the branch at the Boyd Heritage building at 21 Canal St E., or relocate to the Bobcaygeon Municipal Service Centre pn East Street, where the branch would occupy the top floor.
The City has been working with the Library Board to determine if the relocation of the branch to East St. is the best option to adequately serve the community of Bobcaygeon and the surrounding areas.
The Bobcaygeon Library Branch has a current service population of about 5000 people. In order to meet the latest Administrators of Rural and Urban Public Libraries of Ontario (ARUPLO) standards, the branch requires an increase of 3,200 square feet. The guidelines are targets for a library to ensure they are providing an appropriate level of service for its community. They are meant to be recommendations and best practices. A consultation report on the Boyd building showed that even with an expansion, the branch would still be short roughly 1,300 square feet in meeting the required standards.
In the current location on Canal St, the branch is only 1,800 square feet, roughly half of the required space. Due to the size of the branch, they do not have dedicated space for activities or programs. It is very difficult for the branch to offer the types of programming that they can offer at other branches, such as their story time programs, technology training and beginners sewing. Most importantly, the current branch is not fully accessible to patrons with varying physical disabilities
In conducting its review of the two building options, the Library Board is examining the following elements of the project:
- Cost of the project
- Size of the finished space
- Accessibility standards
- Dedicated programming and meeting space for library events and the public
- Shelving and location space for collection of current items
- Space allocation for public computers
- Amount of parking available
- Effect on library service during the construction
- Can public open hours be maintained or increased
The City owns 60% of the Boyd building that is currently occupied by the library and the Boyd Heritage Museum. If the library were to relocate, Craig Shanks, Director of Community Services, advised that, “The City has not yet determined a future use of the facility if the library branch were to relocate. However, pending Council resolution, staff would work with the Boyd Heritage Museum to ensure its continued operation and to see if additional space was required.” He continued by stating that, “Staff would work to have the rest of the remaining space used for other community initiatives.”
There will be a public meeting held on Thursday November 29 at 7pm at the Bobcaygeon Public School (30 Balaclava St). The purpose of the meeting is to inform the public of the changes that are coming and to engage in a discussion of the features the public would like to see in an improved branch. Additional details will be available at the meeting. For those who can’t attend the meeting, a survey will be available online from November 29 until December 20.