KAWARTHA LAKES-The annual April Burn Ban in Kawartha Lakes has been lifted effective May 1, 2024.
The City says the decision to lift the burn ban follows a comprehensive assessment of environmental conditions and fire risk factors conducted by Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue Services and the municipality.
The Burn Hazard Index has been set to Moderate, if you are planning on burning please use caution and follow the open air burning requirements laid out on our Burn Bans, Permits and By-Laws page.
New process for Fire Services applications
As of May 1, 2024 the Fire Services applications have been moved to our new online Public Access Portal. The new online portal will require users to create an account. This account will allow you to make online applications for burn permits, fireworks permits, and Fire Service property and incident file searches all in one convenient location.
To create an account and start a Fire Services application, head to the online Public Access Portal.
To learn more about the new portal, read our Public Access Portal launch news release.
Permit Issuance and Regulations:
It’s important to note that burn permits will not be issued within a “built-up area” as defined by By-law 2016-110. A “built-up area” refers to an area with buildings on one or both sides of the road with 23 meters or less between them, with a minimum grouping of five buildings.
Open Air Burning Permits can be obtained by filling out an application through the online Public Access Portal. Once the application is processed and the payment is made, permits will be available to download through the portal.
Please be aware that certain types of permits may require Fire Services to conduct a site visit. Please allow up to seven business days to receive a site visit.
For further information, please contact:
- Fire Services application assistance: [email protected]
- Fire Prevention Office: 705-324-5731 or by email at fireprevention@kawarthalakes.
ca - Municipal Law Enforcement Office: 705-324-9411 extension 1212 or toll-free 1-888-822-2225 or by email at bylawcomplaints@kawarthalakes.
ca - Burn Complaints (Kawartha Lakes Police and Fire Dispatch Non-Emergency): 705-324-2191 during active burning only