KAWARTHA LAKES-The Trillium Lakelands District School Board says the storm-related power issue that caused the closure of Scott Young Public School and Lady Eaton Elementary School today has been restored and these schools will be open tomorrow, Wednesday, May 25.
A severe storm hit the area on Saturday knocking out power to thousands of homes, downing trees, damaging homes and property and more. Three people in the region lost their lives.
The power outage continues to be an issue, and as a result, Rolling Hills Public School and Grandview Public School will remain closed to students and staff tomorrow, Wednesday, May 25, and remote learning will be in effect.
Transportation to these schools will not be running. Teachers will be available throughout the day to continue supporting learning opportunities.
Ridgewood Public School was also closed today due to a water issue which has since been resolved and Ridgewood Public School will be open tomorrow, May 25.
This story has been updated with information from the board about the remaining two schools remaining closed.