KAWARTHA LAKES-The City of Kawartha Lakes continues to make headway and reach settlements at the Ontario Land Tribunal appeal proceedings for the City’s Official Plan (2012). For the first time in Kawartha Lakes’ history, through a landmark Order issued December 1, 2021, the Tribunal has established urban settlement boundaries for the communities of Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls and Omemee.
As a result of the Order, some lands previously shown within the Urban Settlement Area have been re-classified into more appropriate land use designations. The Official Plan has been updated to reflect this Order, and is available together with revised Schedules A-2, A-4 and A-5 of the Official Plan on the Planning and Development webpage, under Resources, Official Plans and Secondary Plans.
The boundaries shown on the revised Schedules, approved by the Tribunal, are subject to change pending the outcome of the appeals pertaining to Official Plan Amendment No. 13, which are before the Tribunal under OLT File No. PL171407 and scheduled to be heard in 2022.
For more information, please contact Leah Barrie, (Acting) Manager of Planning, City of Kawartha Lakes at [email protected].