KAWARTHA LAKES-Staff at Ross Memorial Hospital in Lindsay have until November 1,2021 to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or face disciplinary action.
Ross Memorial Hospital instituted its COVID-19 Immunization Program on September 7, 2021.
Officials told Kawartha 411 News more than 90 per cent of staff have indicated that they are fully vaccinated. The hospital has approximately 920 employees.
“We are currently doing data verification in relation to that number,” Ryan Young, Communications, Ross Memorial told Kawartha 411. “As part of our policy, there is an implementation period to allow individuals who are not fully vaccinated, and who do not have an acceptable medical exemption, to become fully vaccinated by November 1, 2021.”
RMH has made on-site vaccinations available to all employees and physicians.
Young says employees and contract staff who have not submitted proof of full vaccination or an acceptable medical exemption by November 1, 2021 will be placed on an unpaid leave of absence. Credentialed Professional Staff who have not submitted proof of full vaccination or an acceptable medical exemption by November 1, 2021 will be subject to disciplinary action and have their privileges reviewed in accordance with the Public Hospitals Act and Article 4 of the RMH Professional Staff Bylaws pertaining to Monitoring, Suspension and Revocation of Privileges.
“This decision was not taken lightly, but rather after much consultation and collaboration with our peer hospitals in the Central East LHIN. Ross Memorial Hospital leadership feels strongly that we must lead by example and take every measure available to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus and keep all of our patients, colleagues, and the broader community safe,” stated Young.