KAWARTHA LAKES-54 people have lost their lives due to an opioid overdose so far this year in the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge (HKPR)District Health Unit area. That’s up from at total of 44 in 2023 but down from 65 deaths in 2021.
The number one killer by far is Fentanyl. In 2023 34 of the 44 deaths were attributed to Fentanyl, 4 to methadone, 3 oxycodone, 2 hydromorphone and 1 to morphine.
The numbers come from the health units new Public Health Profile dashboard. It was launched at the end of August and provides a look at a number of factors impacting our health.
According to the Data 142 residents visited local emergency rooms due to Opioid poisoning this year to date and 7 local residents visited emergency departments outside of our area.
For a look at the dashboard you can click here: https://www.hkpr.on.ca/inspections-data-and-reports/public-health-data/substance-overdose-profile-dashboard/dashboard-substance-overdose-profile/