KAWARTHA LAKES-Xander Townsend has spent most of his life battling cancer.
He has a rare condition called Clear Cell Meningioma of the Quadra Equada. At just four years old Xander was the first child in Canada to be diagnosed with a brain tumour growing in his fluid sac at the bottom of his spine according to his dad Derek.
He underwent two surgeries that were unsuccessful and left him partially paralyzed. He was sent to Florida for Proton Radiation in 2013 and that put the tumour into remission for eight years. Unfortunately, it woke up a month ago and is growing aggressively and at an alarming rate according to his dad. Xander went into surgery a few days ago to remove what they could of the new tumour without causing more complications for the boy who is 12 now.
“The hard part is, the Proton treatment he received in 2013 is the cause of the Cancer. We knew the risk at the time which was 2% unfortunately Xander is in that 2% bracket. He is being moved to Princess Margret. Xander is going to receive the only option they have through radiation every day Monday to Friday starting December 28th for 6 straight weeks. They can not give us a percentage on if the treatment of Radiation will stop the tumour at the least slow it down.” Dad Derek told Kawartha 411 News in 2021. Read more here: https://www.kawartha411.ca/2021/12/17/fundraising-campaign-set-up-for-family-of-lindsay-boy-with-extremely-rare-life-threatening-cancer/
And here: https://www.kawartha411.ca/2022/01/19/help-hard-to-come-by-for-lindsay-boy-battling-rare-cancer/
Unfortunately, none of the treatments worked and Xander continues to decline leaving the family physically, mentally and financially exhausted. He is currently in hospital with extreme bedsores, low haemoglobin and skin breakdown.
On Saturday, October 12th, there will be a fundraiser held at 100 Acre Brewing Company in Peterborough. There will be live music, food, vendors, games and more. They are currently looking for musicians and prizes to help raise money for the family.
Please email [email protected] for information on how you can help.