KAWARTHA LAKES-Environment Canada is warning of a multi-day heat event starting on Monday, June 17, with highest temperatures projected from Tuesday, June 18 to Thursday, June 20, and the potential to continue on into the following week. The forecast for Kawartha Lakes area is a daytime high of 31°C (40°C with humidex) and nighttime low of 20°C, which means there will be no overnight relief from extreme heat conditions.
The public is welcome to cool off in the air-conditioned environment at public town facilities, such as the Canada Summit Centre / Active Living Centre and Huntsville Public Library, during regular business hours.
It is recommended during high heat events that you stay in a cool location as much as possible, drink plenty of fluids, and if you must be outside, to limit your activities. Remember that certain groups are at highest health risk from extreme heat, including the elderly, infants and young children, and people with chronic illnesses. Residents are encouraged to check in on friends, family, and neighbours who are at increased risk in extreme heat, especially if they do not have access to functioning air conditioning.
Residents are encouraged to follow Environment Canada and local media outlets for weather updates.
Courtesy Muskoka 411