KAWARTHA LAKES-The Trillium Lakelands District School Board has recommended that school staff keep students indoors today due to the air quality.
“Due to the air quality statements in Lindsay, Haliburton, and Muskoka, TLDSB has reached out to its school to inform them of the weather statement and share that it is recommended that administrators consider keeping students indoors at recess times and for physical education classes.” Sinead Fegan, Communications TLDSB told Kawartha 411 News. “It was also cautioned to pay particular attention to staff or students who have asthma or other respiratory challenges.”
Environment Canada issued a Special Air Quality Statement for Kawartha Lakes and Peterborough on Sunday warning of deteriorating air quality as a result of wildfires in Ontario and Quebec. There are also two fires burning closer to home, one east of Bancroft and another near Algonquin Park.
Environment Canada says smoke is causing or expected to cause poor air quality and reduced visibility. High levels of air pollution have developed due to smoke from forest fires. Smoke plumes from local forest fires as well as forest fires in Quebec have resulted in deteriorated air quality.
Poor air quality may persist through the day today and possibly into Tuesday for some areas. Air quality and visibility due to wildfire smoke can fluctuate over short distances and can vary considerably from hour to hour.
“Wildfire smoke can be harmful to everyone’s health even at low concentrations. Everyone can take action to reduce their exposure to wildfire smoke.”