This story is part of our partnership with Maryboro Lodge The Fenelon Falls Museum and was written by Glenn Walker.
KAWARTHA LAKES-After a two-year hiatus the Kawartha Yarn and Fibre Festival is back and it was bigger than ever before with 77 vendors attending. The festival was held on June 11 at the Fenelon Falls Community Centre.
It’s a very colourful show and it’s a wonderful chance for everyone who is interested in handicrafts to get together and share their common interests. “We are looking forward to seeing everyone again, that we have been missing since before the pandemic,” explains organizer Kate Norris.

Kate grew up wearing the handmade sweaters and dresses that her mother, Christine, made. As they drove around the province exploring their common interests in textiles, they recognized that there was a lot of people who shared their enthusiasm, but little in the way of public exhibitions north of Toronto. “We wanted to support the businesses up here and give them the same opportunities that those in the city get.”

There is a lot to be excited about at the Kawartha Yarn and Fibre Festival. Its vendors are an enthusiastic group, who really love their work. It’s a place where you can buy beautiful handmade fleeces from small farms, and see how much they care about their animals. It’s a show that caters to all interests and skill levels, having everything from fleeces and yarn to drop spindles and finished textiles. “It doesn’t matter what your fibre of choice is or how you would like to explore it, we have something for you.”

Maryboro Lodge, The Fenelon Falls Museum has been hit hard by the pandemic.
If you want to make a donation to the museum, you can e-transfer to: [email protected]
or mail a cheque to :
Maryboro Lodge Museum
Box 179
50 Oak Street
Fenelon Falls, ON
K0M 1N0