KAWARTHA LAKES-Ross Memorial hospital has dropped the proof of vaccination required for visitors to the facility.
Officials say with the number of COVID-19 cases in the community declining, Ross Memorial Hospital has made changes to its Visitor Restrictions and Protocols effective June 9, 2022.
All visitors will continue to be screened for COVID-19 symptoms. Those who fail the screening will be denied entry into the hospital. While proof of vaccination will no longer be required, Ross Memorial strongly encourages eligible community members to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to help ensure the safest possible environment for everyone. The mandate for staff remains in effect.
With some exceptions, each admitted patient will now identify four designated visitors, an increase from two designated visitors under the previous restrictions. The patient will be allowed two visitors at a time, an increase of one visitor.
Visitors must continue to enter through the hospital’s main entrance to undergo screening. Masking is still required.
Ross Memorial says it will be revisiting the new policy towards the end of June to assess whether further changes will be made at that time.
The entirety of Ross Memorial Hospital’s Restrictions and Protocols can be found at this link:https://rmh.org/covid-19