KAWARTHA LAKES-The semi-annual leaf and yard waste curbside collection starts the week of June 3.
If your regular scheduled waste collection day is on Monday or Wednesday, your spring leaf and yard collection will occur on Friday June 3. If your regular scheduled waste collection day is on Tuesday or Thursday, your spring leaf and yard collection will occur on Friday June 10.
All leaf and yard waste must be set out in paper bags or neatly bundled. Plastic bags are not accepted. Bundles must be tied together with string or twine, at a size less than three feet in length and 40 pounds in weight. If the material is set out on your regular waste collection day, it will not be collected.
Items that are not accepted during leaf and yard collection include:
- grass clippings
- stumps and yard waste over 3 inches in diameter and 35 inches in length
- soil and sod
To support residential needs in response to the recent storm, stumps and branches not eligible for curbside collection can be taken to any City landfill site and will currently be accepted at no cost. This does not apply to contractors or businesses bringing items to landfills.
Eligible properties:
Normally curbside leaf and yard collection is only for low density residential homes (one and two unit homes) and mobile home parks, but Council has approved a pilot program for the inclusion of both high density multi-residential homes (three or more units), and trailer parks, until the end of 2022.
Later this year the program will go to Council for review to confirm if it will continue for these locations in future years. If you’re unsure if you’re eligible for this collection or if you require additional information, please visit curbside collection page or contact Waste and Recycling at 705-324-9411 extension 1135