KAWARTHA LAKES-The Special Investigations Unit (SIU)has determined there are no reasonable grounds to believe that a Bobcaygeon man’s death was the result of unlawful conduct on the part of police.
On November 25, 2021, an Ontario Provincial Police officer with the City of Kawartha Lakes Detachment attended a home on Devitt’s Road in the Bobcaygeon area to speak with a 57-year-old man in relation to the theft of gasoline from a gas station that morning.
The SIU says after the officer knocked on the door in the rear yard, the man exited onto the back deck while holding a rifle. The man told the officer to “Get out of here,” as he lifted and pointed the rifle at the officer according to police. In response, the officer shouted at the man to drop his weapon and drew his pistol. The officer discharged several rounds in quick succession. The man was struck and fell to the deck floor. The officer called for back-up and waited for their arrival. When the additional officers arrived, they went back onto the property to look for the male with the rifle. They located him deceased on the rear deck of the residence. Once officers were able to assure the area was safe of possible threats, they escorted paramedics to the scene where the man was located deceased.
The pathologist at autopsy was of the preliminary view that the Complainant’s death was attributable to a ‘gunshot wound of left shoulder’. The Complainant had sustained two gunshots. One was to the top of the left shoulder. The other was to the lower left abdomen.
The SIU report says a Winchester Model 94AE .44 calibre lever action rifle was located on the southwest corner of the deck. The muzzle was pointing towards the residence. The lever action was partially open. The hammer was back or cocked. A .44 calibre cartridge was in the breech. The primer of the cartridge appeared as if it had been struck.
A Jennings model J-22 pistol was in the right rear pocket of the Complainant. The pistol was loaded with a .22 calibre cartridge and a magazine with five .22 calibre cartridges. The pistol was in the safe mode.
Police used a drone to focus on the residence and surrounding property, hovering above the home. The report says a man could be seen lying on the rear deck. As the drone zoomed in closer and circled, a rifle was seen underneath the Complainant pointing to the left. Most of the rifle was underneath the body of the Complainant, with the barrel pointing away from his body.
The name of the victim has not been released. The file has been closed.
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