KAWARTHA LAKES-A group of PhD’s from across Canada are urging the Ontario government to safely re-open all schools, without delay.
A letter signed by 15 doctors and sent to Premier Doug Ford says the group has been scrutinizing and synthesizing the research on the effects of the pandemic on children and youth in the context of education. They are members of a working group developing a Policy Briefing on the impact of COVID-19 on children and schools.
“The evidence is clear. We are on the cusp of a generational catastrophe. Our professional consensus is that these shutdowns have negatively affected all aspects of child development, that extend well beyond the classroom.”
The group says their research found the closures have impacted the food security of children and youth, the detection and reporting of child maltreatment and neglect, and have contributed to widened inequalities and achievement gaps.
‘”School closures have also thwarted children’s and youth’s fundamental need to belong resulting in greater social isolation and loneliness, and have led to a notable deterioration in their mental health.”
The group explains they have known for years that schools are not just about reading, writing and arithmetic, schools provide resources for children and youth in need.
“They provide therapy for those with disabilities. They are the first point of contact for children and youth with mental health concerns and the most common setting for the provision of mental health services in Canada. Moreover educators are the primary reporters of child abuse and neglect.”
The Ontario government closed schools and moved to online learning for the third time in early April, citing rising cases of Coronavirus. There’s been no indication they plan to reopen this school year, leaving children and their parents to deal with the impacts.
In early May, The Canadian Paediatric Society also called on the Ontario government to develop a plan to safely open schools and immediately reopen outdoor recreation spaces.
The Society penned an open letter and posted it to Twitter saying “We cannot overstate the extent of the mental health crisis facing our children and youth. Our clinics and hospitals are overrun with families seeking care for children and youth in distress.”
The letter went on to say, “Research tells that only a small minority of children with mental distress present for help.There are untold more we are not seeing.”
The doctors point to a study by Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto that found 70% of school-aged children reported deterioration of mental health and says social isolation is by far the biggest predictor poor mental health for children, and it’s completely preventable.
“We are calling on the government to immediately re-open outdoor recreation spaces unless you have data showing these venues are sources of transmission. Mobilize plans to safely reopen schools before the end of the 2020-2021 school year.”
The group of PhD’s say the best way to mitigate the threats to wellbeing, education and safety of children as to open schools, summer camps and all sports activities and keep them open.
“We can no longer stand by and watch this threat to healthy development unfold. It is no longer tenable or ethical to keep children and youth separated from the relationships, supports and learning opportunities of schools.”
Here is the letter in full!