The Province is placing new requirements on the circumstances in which landlords can evict tenants, effective today.
According to the new legislation, when a landlord ends a tenancy so that they or a family member can use a rental unit, landlords must provide one month’s rent to the tenant as compensation or offer the tenant another acceptable rental unit. The landlord must also express intent to occupy the unit for at least one year. If the landlord advertises, re-rents or demolishes/converts the unit within one year they will be considered to have acted in bad faith unless they can prove otherwise, and could face a fine of up to $25,000.
The Province says the new measures will help protect tenants by discouraging landlords from unlawfully evicting them, whether for conversion of the unit into a short-term rental or immediately re-renting it at a higher rate.
These changes are part of a bigger strategy called the  Fair Housing Plan that includes other measures such as the expansion of rent control to all private rental units, including those first occupied on or after November 1, 1991.
 photo credit: Kurayba For Rent via photopin (license)
What bull crap. The owner has no rights any more. If I own and need a place to live. Why should I have to pay a months rent out. Do tenants have to pay if they want to move. Highly doubt it.