Photo: Courtesy of screen grab of Vice video posted by CarShop UK
Video of a Peterborough County OPP Officer pulling over a suped up Lamborghini has gone viral with almost 10 MILLION views.
CarShop UK posted the video on Saturday, saying this about Constable Dave McNab “This guy has to be the nicest Police Officer on the planet”
McNab is a 29 year veteran of the OPP and lives in Peterborough. In the video that appears to be shot by Vice Network one of the drivers says group of cars were on a rally heading to Calabogie Racetrack. That’s when they allegedly passed a police car. One officer reported some cars didn’t move over for police. Officer McNab pulled this car over. He told the driver he wasnt sure which cars didn’t pull over and that “We aren’t looking to make a federal case out of it” he said. “I’ll tell you flat out nobody is getting a ticket, we are really just asking for your help”
McNab later explained in a Facebook post that he was very impressed with the groups charitable efforts.He says they actually talked more about charity than cars that day. “I’ve known a lot of generous people in my life, but these guys are among the best I’ve ever seen!”And then he takes the car out for a spin!
Here’s the video:
This guy has to be the nicest Police Officer on the planet ??See the full documentary here- VICEHost: Femi Lawson
Posted by CarShop on Saturday, June 3, 2017
What a wonderful example of a Police Officer Constable Dave McNab is. What a positive memory to leave with the gentleman who owned the Lamborghini. Wish I could have taken a ride…lol. GREAT job! You make us all proud.
This Cop won the internet for Today <3