A Peterborough man has been charged with four counts of domestic assault following alleged incidents dating back to 2005.
Police say the accused, a 51-year-old Peterborough man, and the victim, a woman in her 50’s, were in a previous domestic relationship for a number of years before the relationship came to an end in April 2017.
It was reported to police on May 25th that the accused had assaulted the victim in April of 2017 and had also assaulted her on three other occasions dating back to 2005.
After an investigation police contacted the accused and advised him that grounds existed for his arrested. On May 26, 2017 the man attended the police station where he was arrested and charged with four counts of domestic assault.
The accused was released from custody and is scheduled to appear in court on June 22, 2017.
 photo credit: European Parliament Clear legal basis needed to combat violence against women via photopin (license)